Price-sensitive Malaysian consumers show a preference for discounts 价格敏感的马来西亚消费者更倾向于折扣优惠

Price-sensitive Malaysian consumers show a preference for discounts
E-commerce in Malaysia sees many large annual sales – Chinese New Year, Hari Raya sales, Singles’ Day, Black Friday and EOY sales. These events are very popular and attract customers from across the globe. In 2023, Singles’ Day saw a sales increase of 156% in Malaysia. Similar trends are seen across SE Asia.
42% of Malaysian consumers consistently compare prices before making purchases. This behavior is especially pronounced among individuals aged 45 to 54, with 81% actively seeking the best deals.
Malaysian consumers show varied patterns when paying a premium price for quality products. A survey found that 23% of respondents are willing to pay more for high-quality products. However, 44% said they would only occasionally pay premium prices for higher quality.
This indicates that while quality is important to many consumers, price remains a significant factor in their decision-making process. Younger consumers (ages 18–34) are keen to explore new products or brands offering better value, with 83% actively seeking better deals. This demographic is highly responsive to digital marketing strategies that emphasize discounts and promotions.
Data shows that Malaysian consumers emphasize value for money. This is evident when shopping for toys, games, and hobbies (44%), groceries (38%), sports, and outdoor products (35%).
马来西亚的电商市场每年都会迎来多个大型促销活动,例如农历新年、开斋节(Hari Raya)大促、双十一(Singles’ Day)、黑色星期五(Black Friday)和年终促销(EOY Sales)。这些促销活动极具吸引力,不仅吸引本地消费者,还吸引全球买家参与。2023年双十一大促期间,马来西亚的销售额增长了156%,而整个东南亚市场也展现出类似的趋势。
📌 42% 的马来西亚消费者在购买前都会比价
📌 45-54 岁人群 中,81% 的消费者会积极寻找最优惠的价格
📌 18-34 岁年轻消费者 中,83% 会关注更具性价比的新产品或品牌
消费者在“品质 vs 价格”之间的取舍
✔ 23% 的消费者愿意为高质量产品支付更高价格
✔ 44% 的消费者表示,他们只会在特定情况下支付溢价来换取更好的质量
✔ 这表明尽管许多消费者重视质量,价格仍然是影响购买决策的重要因素
💡 数据显示,马来西亚消费者在以下品类中更关注价格和性价比:
✅ 玩具、游戏及兴趣爱好类产品(44%)
✅ 日常食品杂货(38%)
✅ 运动及户外用品(35%)
此外,年轻消费者 对数字营销策略(如折扣、促销)反应最为敏感,这使得品牌在推广时应重点关注优惠信息,并结合精准数字营销来吸引目标群体。
E-commerce in Malaysia sees many large annual sales – Chinese New Year, Hari Raya sales, Singles’ Day, Black Friday and EOY sales. These events are very popular and attract customers from across the globe. In 2023, Singles’ Day saw a sales increase of 156% in Malaysia. Similar trends are seen across SE Asia.
42% of Malaysian consumers consistently compare prices before making purchases. This behavior is especially pronounced among individuals aged 45 to 54, with 81% actively seeking the best deals.
Malaysian consumers show varied patterns when paying a premium price for quality products. A survey found that 23% of respondents are willing to pay more for high-quality products. However, 44% said they would only occasionally pay premium prices for higher quality.
This indicates that while quality is important to many consumers, price remains a significant factor in their decision-making process. Younger consumers (ages 18–34) are keen to explore new products or brands offering better value, with 83% actively seeking better deals. This demographic is highly responsive to digital marketing strategies that emphasize discounts and promotions.
Data shows that Malaysian consumers emphasize value for money. This is evident when shopping for toys, games, and hobbies (44%), groceries (38%), sports, and outdoor products (35%).
马来西亚的电商市场每年都会迎来多个大型促销活动,例如农历新年、开斋节(Hari Raya)大促、双十一(Singles’ Day)、黑色星期五(Black Friday)和年终促销(EOY Sales)。这些促销活动极具吸引力,不仅吸引本地消费者,还吸引全球买家参与。2023年双十一大促期间,马来西亚的销售额增长了156%,而整个东南亚市场也展现出类似的趋势。
📌 42% 的马来西亚消费者在购买前都会比价
📌 45-54 岁人群 中,81% 的消费者会积极寻找最优惠的价格
📌 18-34 岁年轻消费者 中,83% 会关注更具性价比的新产品或品牌
消费者在“品质 vs 价格”之间的取舍
✔ 23% 的消费者愿意为高质量产品支付更高价格
✔ 44% 的消费者表示,他们只会在特定情况下支付溢价来换取更好的质量
✔ 这表明尽管许多消费者重视质量,价格仍然是影响购买决策的重要因素
💡 数据显示,马来西亚消费者在以下品类中更关注价格和性价比:
✅ 玩具、游戏及兴趣爱好类产品(44%)
✅ 日常食品杂货(38%)
✅ 运动及户外用品(35%)
此外,年轻消费者 对数字营销策略(如折扣、促销)反应最为敏感,这使得品牌在推广时应重点关注优惠信息,并结合精准数字营销来吸引目标群体。
Mar 06,2025